Breaking News
10:50 PM
Some people say that the world is coming to an end. We human beings have taken more than our fair share and are not slowing (let alone stopping) even now. We will face big disasters and huge consequences. We will destroy the Earth and all the beings on it (including of course ourselves).
Well news to all those people.
The world is not coming to an end. Agreed that we have taken more than our fair share and are not slowing. But the crucial thing to understand is that, the Earth will never be destroyed. What will be destroyed is, a species called Homo sapiens (ironically in Latin it means 'wise man'). Yes, with our happy harvesting of the natures resources (which of course are limited), a day will arrive when no more will be left and sooshhhh in a wisp of air what will be gone from the face of the Earth will be a species called Homo sapiens.
Well, all this sounds too dramatic. Doesn't it. It actually is dramatic. The truth as I see is that the 'wise man' will not be destroyed and neither will be his mother 'the Earth'. But for this there is of course a pre requisite. The 'wise man' need to stand up to the occasion. He needs to grow a spine (quite literally currently we are acting spineless) and he needs to get together with is mother (rather than being against her).
An understanding from our side (all the sapiens) and execution of some mindful actions can go a long way in saving the sapiens. This is what we will try to promote here. With your support and understanding we hope to the contribute to the construction (and reduction of destruction) of the 'mother' and ultimately the 'son'.
Lets join hands to reduce our feet.......
Well news to all those people.
The world is not coming to an end. Agreed that we have taken more than our fair share and are not slowing. But the crucial thing to understand is that, the Earth will never be destroyed. What will be destroyed is, a species called Homo sapiens (ironically in Latin it means 'wise man'). Yes, with our happy harvesting of the natures resources (which of course are limited), a day will arrive when no more will be left and sooshhhh in a wisp of air what will be gone from the face of the Earth will be a species called Homo sapiens.
Well, all this sounds too dramatic. Doesn't it. It actually is dramatic. The truth as I see is that the 'wise man' will not be destroyed and neither will be his mother 'the Earth'. But for this there is of course a pre requisite. The 'wise man' need to stand up to the occasion. He needs to grow a spine (quite literally currently we are acting spineless) and he needs to get together with is mother (rather than being against her).
An understanding from our side (all the sapiens) and execution of some mindful actions can go a long way in saving the sapiens. This is what we will try to promote here. With your support and understanding we hope to the contribute to the construction (and reduction of destruction) of the 'mother' and ultimately the 'son'.
Lets join hands to reduce our feet.......